Wednesday, May 21, 2008

NBA Lottery Draft!!!

Last night Wade showed up at the NBA Draft Lottery [may20,'08] in Secaucus, New Jersey! Chicago had won the number one pick in the June 26th draft so the Heat will have the second pick!
Left: Wade

Is His Knee Gonna Make it?

Who says a bad left knee is the end of the world?? Thank goodness for the surgical repair on the knee because now Wade can finallly focus on Team USA which he has been trying desperately to get into. When his knee was in bad shape he missed a whopping 62 games over the last two seasons which was a set back for the obviously talented and driven shooting guard.

"I want people to know that I'm working and working hard," Wade told the AP. "This is what I do. This is what I love to do. I don't want anyone questioning my work ethics."

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wade and Star Jones???

Well you wouldn't believe who was spotted together a while back but i have finally dug deeper to see whether the rumor was true or not- Dwyane and Star Jones were seen together at the Sonny Ericsson Tennis Open in Early April? Look, all i know is that he said... "Star is an unbelievable woman. We have a great, great relationship. As friends."
Yeah... mmhmm ... that better be the case! He has been having alot of "off time" lately so what's better than a heated day with the lovely Ms. Jones?
Left: Wade Right: Star Jones

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Welcome to Wade Central where there is nothing but Wade all day! I'll be informing those who are intrested, in Wade's records, best plays, and most recent information. I'll even be talking about his personal life at home. So you think you know everything about Dwyane Wade?